Student Profiles
Meet Luxembourg's current students at their respective colleges and alumni students at their continued adventures after UWC.
2020 - 2022 Students
2019 - 2021 Students
Erin Entringer | UWC CHANGSHU - CHINA |
2018 - 2020 Alumni
Laura Haeck | UWC CHANGSHU - CHINA |
My perception of the world has changed and my new friends are from all over the world. I am learning so much about different cultures and perceptions of the world, which has been extremely interesting and fun." |
Maja Topouzova | UWC MAHINDRA - INDIA |
Three months in UWC, three months in India and it feels like years have passed. I leaned more about the world and myself in this ridiculously short time, than in the past 5 years. My safe bubble has popped and the world outside it couldn’t be more interesting and richer. Now all I want to do is just dive deep into its wonders and learn, explore and enjoy. UWC is indeed an incredible experience, not perfect but unique, and it’s what you make out of it. And I realised what that means while I was sitting in a packed Indian train, travelling across the country, with someone screamingly offering me chai, because in all it’s simplicity and absurdity, this moment was all I could ever whish for. So please, apply and don’t worry what will happen, because regardless of the outcome, you can have this experience if you just open your eyes." |
Vidar Önnerfors | UWC USA - NEW MEXICO |
2017 - 2019 Alumni
"Looking back at those two years I have spent at UWC in China, I cannot believe how much I have grown in such a small amount of time. Moving away from home at a young age and being catapulted into a utopia, bubble-like environment with peers my age from over 100 nations, open to sharing their different cultures, traditions, and religions has not only forced me to get out of my comfort zone, but has also taught me how to adapt and find a new comfort zone in a country so different and far from mine. ![]() From teaching children English in rural areas on the island Hainan, to learning about Daoism in a Kung-Fu Academy or even learning crucial skills like coding and kayaking, these are the experiences that have shaped the way I perceive learning and education. Learning beyond the classroom in my opinion is one of the most valuable skills the youth of today needs in order to become the change makers of tomorrow. Simply discussing for hours over a meal with my friends and classmates the political, racial, religious and environmental issues they experience back home opened my eyes and made me realize that I need to go beyond the bias presented on the news in order to truly deepen my understanding of different regions and global conflicts. My time at UWC has allowed me to see the world from multiple perspectives and to grow in an inclusive, academic and cosmopolitan environment. The many personal and intellectual ups and downs that I experienced thus far have not only made me more resilient in the face of future challenges, but have also taught me how to take different and new approaches to problems, which I believe is a crucial part of growing up. I find myself to be part of a powerful movement, which has transformed my peers and me into true global citizens and I will forever be grateful for the opportunity I was granted to study at a UWC." |
Fabrice Schumacher | UWC MAHINDRA - INDIA |
"An engem UWC ze sinn huet mer iwwert d’Zäit vill Liewenserfarung matt ginn, déi ech aanescht nie krut hätt. Ech hunn international Konflikter an Themen diskutéiert, matt Leit vun diverse kulturelle, finanzielle a religiéise Hannergrënn, déi Perspektive ginn hunn, déi ech soss nie héieren hätt. Doduerch sinn ech elo méi informéiert an hu mer nei Meenunge kënne bilden iwwer lauter Sujeten vun Identitéit, Immigratioun an d’Ëmwelt, bis hin zu Geschlecht, Sex a Rassismus. Ech hu Frëndschafte matt Schüler aus der ganzer Welt gema, an doduerch dass ech alleng hei matt deene Leit liewen, sinn ech méi responsabel, autonom an oppe ginn. UWC huet mer d’Méiglechkeet ginn, en internationalen Ofschloss ze maachen, an engem Land an deem ech nie geduecht hätt dass ech mol eng Kéier liewe géing, wouduerch ech mech selwer nei kenne geléiert, an nei Hobbien a Leidenschaften entdeckt hunn. Och wann et definitiv net ëmmer einfach ass, et vill Courage a Standfestegkeet brauch fir duerch sou eng Experience ze goen, an UWC net ëmmer dat ass wat een sech firgestallt huet, ass et defintiv eng Erfarung déi ee verännert, a fir d’Liewe prägt." |
2016 - 2018 Alumni
Giulia Andronico de Morais Salles | UWC CHANGSHU - CHINA |
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Jang Belche | UWC USA - NEW MEXICO |
"I applied to UWC with a curiosity and desire to explore the world and its cultures. Now, as an alumni, I feel that my desire has only grown, and I have so much more to learn.
UWC taught me to appreciate our world and its many nations and cultures, whether this was while talking to your roommate from the other side of the world or having fascinating conversations at the dinner table. I made life-long friendships and unforgettable memories, all of which shaped me to the person I am today and I am happy to say to be part of UWC community.“ |
Nicolas Thill | UWC LI PO CHUN |
2015 - 2017 Alumni
Aurélie Haeck | UWC MAHINDRA - INDIA |
"I'm Aurélie Haeck and graduated from the Mahindra United World College of India in 2017. I am currently studying Business and Management at the University of Kent. My experience at UWC has deeply impacted my way of thinking about the world. I've had so many amazing experiences travelling around with friends, participating in extra-curricular activities and studying in a completely new environment." |
Tessa Möller | UWC USA - NEW MEXICO |
I am now studying Geology at Freie University in Berlin and I am hoping to apply my scientific knowledge to help solve the problems of climate change and pollution." |
2014 - 2016 Alumni
Kevin Sousa | UWC USA - NEW MEXICO |
Sabrina Boukellal | PEARSON COLLEGE - CANADA |
2013 - 2015 Alumni
Carole Bidaine | UWC MAHINDRA - INDIA |
Franziska Scheppach | UWC USA - NEW MEXICO |
2012 - 2014 Alumni
Felix Biver | UWC USA - NEW MEXICO |
"Besides all the lifelong friendships I made during my time at UWC-USA, I really loved the mentorship and advice I got from my teachers. In particular, I had an economics teacher with whom I’d always discuss current events and try to link them to the things we learned in class. We’d often disagree, but down the line, it helped me develop a critical mindset. In the world we live in, I think it’s really important to be able to form one’s own opinions, as opposed to simply reciting what’s on the front page of your favourite newspaper. Being in school with 200 students from all over the world is a unique opportunity to, every day, learn something new and later use this knowledge to contribute making the world a better place." |
Lucia Martin | UWC MAHINDRA - INDIA |